Welcome, friend! We are glad to meet you!


10 a.m. Bible Study
11 a.m. Worship Service
5 p.m. Prayer Fellowship

Tuesday & Thursday

GMLife Groups
Various Homes and Times

Church Number

(802) 417-2070

Church Email


Are you new?

Your first time at a church, any church, can be intimidating.
What do I wear? What time do I show up? What's there for my kids? What can I expect?
These and many more questions come to mind.
We want your first visit at GMBC to be refreshing and enjoyable for your whole family.
We want you to experience practical, relevant teaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome!

Here are answers to questions you may have. 

What's here for my kids?

  • Sunday 10 a.m. Kid's Bible Study for all ages.

  • Sunday 11 a.m. Nursery for children up to age 5.

Why should you visit us?

  • You're just curious and investigating Christianity.

  • You've recently started a relationship with God.

  • You're reconnecting with God after being out of church.

  • You want a great place for your family to grow and serve.

  • You want an opportunity to make new friends.

  • You desire a place where you belong.

  • You have a desire to learn more about the Bible, and want to enjoy an abundant, joyful, and victorious journey with Christ!

What should I wear?

There is not a dress code here for members or guests. We would like for everyone to come however they feel most comfortable. Many will wear business or casual clothes. 

How long are the services?

Our 11:00 AM worship service includes music and always focuses on a clear, helpful, and challenging Bible message. The truths of the Bible are presented in a format that's easy to understand, even if you've never been to church. Each service lasts about an hour and a half.